Read Matt: 1, 18-25
Consider firstly that St Joseph was so Holy and so pleasing to God as to merit to be the spouse of the Mother of God and the protector of the Child Jesus.
In his betrothal to Mary, he never imagined that he would face such bitter sorrows.
God’s wisdom hid from St Joseph the mystery of the incarnation. It had been revealed to the parents of John the Baptist. Perhaps that the story be told to John that he would further be supported in God’s guidance to himself to be the forerunner of the Saviour to come.
This is how it is with Divine Providence. God inflicts more on holy souls in order for them to gain much more Divine merit and that they may be to us great examples of more heroic virtues.
What examples St Joseph give us of Virtues of Patience, Prudence, Wisdom and Charity.
When Joseph discovers the Blessed Virgin is with Child, he does not condemn her, he does not inwardly complain to God or outwardly show his grief and sorrow.
Applying this to ourselves:
When you imagine you have been injured by someone you immediately become indignant. If someone says something to you or about you that you deem to be insulting, you become disturbed. You instantly condemn the offender for what he does or says against you.
Sometimes you even blow the whole thing out of proportion. You cry out and complain. You spend endless hours in your imagination discussing it with your friends and family or talk long and spitefully about your supposed enemy.
If it is a person you consider a religious person you are shocked and scandalised. And you thought they were so Holy too. Imagine that – they should know better.
Come on! Learn from Saint Joseph
Learn from Saint Joseph. Patience in bearing the wrongs you have to suffer, Prudence in not noticing them, Charity in concealing them.
And the prayer from the psalm
“TThou art my Patience O Lord, My hope O Lord from my youth,
Consider and reflect on the fact that Our Blessed Lady was well aware of Saint Joseph’s intense affliction.and the thought he entertained of putting her away.
Our Lady could have calmed this anguish in the heart of Joseph her spouse. She could have explained to him the Divine mystery unfolding in the world through God’s choice, of her to be the mother of the Saviour.
She chose instead to stay silent and leave to Divine Providence the proof of her innocence.
Does this not make you ashamed of being so ready to publish what ever makes you look good and also so quick to excuse yourself whenever you happen to be blamed.
It should be enough for all of us in these situations that God sees our innocence. Let’s leave the care of defending ourselves to Him who knows how to turn our sufferings to our profit.
plm 50 v 30 “In thee O Lord do I put my trust I said though art my God.”
Consider 30 the consolation of St Joseph in finding himself delivered by the loving providence of God from his extreme anguish through the ministry of an angel there was revealed to him the mystery of the divine incarnation and the income palatable sanctity of the blessed virgin.